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Before we enter into the mentioned topic, first we have to know about some common topics like installation of apache and some basic concepts so let’s start with the installation.

How to install apache on ubuntu?

This section will help you to install an apache web server on the Ubuntu operating system.

Before beginning your work:

  • Running Ubuntu system with privileges shell access
  • Complete initial instructions for server setup
  • Needed a domain name registered and pointed to your server’s public IP address

Step 1 — Installing Apache

Apache is available under the default software repositories on Ubuntu. You can simply install it using the conventional package management tool. Firstly, update the local package to reflect the latest upstream changes. Then install Apache webserver. After the confirmation you are given, apt will install Apache and other required and essential things on your system.

Step 2 — Test Your Web Server

After the installation is finished, the Apache service will automatically start on your system. You can find the Apache status by running the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status apache

After running the command prompt. The status like “Active: active (running)” means Apache service has started right. However, the best way to test a web server, request a page from Apache in a web browser. You will see the Apache landing page while you test in the web browser. It means the Apache web server is running correctly on your system.

OK! Next, we need to know how to secure apache in Ubuntu. Ok follow this article, there will be some tips to strengthen your security in the apache web server.

Tips To Strengthen Your Apache Web Server Security:

  • Make an apache version and os identity from errors
  • Disable directory listing
  • Keep updating Apache regularly
  • Disable unnecessary modules
  • Run apache as a separate user and group
  • Use allow and deny to restrict access to directories

How To Make Apache Version And Os Identity From Errors?

When you download Apache with other package installers like yum, it displays what version is your Apache web server installed on your server with the Operating system name of your server in Errors. It also shows the details about Apache modules installed on your server.

Now you can see that Apache is showing what version it is with Ubuntu installed in your server. This can be a major security problem to your web server as well as your Linux box too. To protect Apache from displaying this information to the world, we need to make some changes in Apache’s main configuration file.

Open the configuration file and search for “ServerSignature“, it’s by default it will be On. So next we need to Off these server signatures and the second line “ServerTokens Prod” tells Apache to return only Apache as a thing in the server response header on every page request, It suppresses the Ubuntu, major, and minor version info.

How to disable directory listing?

By default, Apache lists the content of the document root directory in the absence of an index file. We can turn off directory listing by using the Options directive in the configuration file for a specific directory. For that, we need to make a way in httpd. Conf file...

How To Keep Updating Apache Regularly?

Apache developers are continuously working on security problems and releasing their updated version with a variety of security options. So It is always recommended to use the new version of Apache as your web server.

To check which Apache version you used: You can check your current version with httpd -v command.

How To Disable Unnecessary Modules?

It’s always good to reduce the chances of being a victim of any cyber attack. So it’s recommended to remove all those modules that are not in use often. You can list all the compiled modules of the webserver, using the following command.

# grep LoadModule /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

# have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the

# LoadModule foo_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule ldap_module modules/
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/

Above is the list that is removed by default but often not needed: mod_imap, mod_include, mod_info, mod_userdir, mod_autoindex. To disable this module, you can insert a “#” at the beginning of that line and restart the server service.

How To Run Apache As A Separate User And Group?

With an automatic installation, Apache builds its process with user nobody or daemon. For security reasons, it is suggested to run Apache in its own non-privileged account. For example: HTTP-web.

Create Apache User and Group

# groupadd http-web
# useradd -d /var/www/ -g http-web -s /bin/nologin http-web

Now you want to tell Apache to run with this user and to do so, we need to make a way in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and restart the server service.

Open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf with the editor and search for keywords “User” and “Group” and there you will want to specify the username and group name to use.

User HTTP-web
Group HTTP-web

How to use allow and deny to restrict access to directories?

So we can restrict the access to directories with “Allow” and “Deny” options in httpd.conf file. Here in the below example, we’ll be safeguarding the root directory, for that by setting the following in the httpd.conf file.

<Directory />
Options None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
  • Options “None” – not allow users to enable any optional features.
  • Order deny, allow – Used to “Deny” and “Allow” directives will be processed. Here it will first “deny” and next “allow”.
  • Deny from all – deny the request from everybody to the root directory, nobody will be able to access the root directory.

The best cyber security consulting company will provide you with the cyber security provided solutions for your system to be a partner of the best cyber security service provider.

If you have any queries about this topic or have to get cybersecurity services and consultations against these serious cyber attacks. Feel free to contact us. AIRZERO SEC will always be your strong firewall. E-mail id: [email protected]

enter image description here Author - Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc
LinkedIn Profile:

enter image description here

Many developers and programmers are still not aware that Portable Executable files can be decompiled into readable source code. Before going to the topic of what we do to stop or make it hard for the decompilers to reverse engineer the source code, we need to understand some basic concepts. A Cybersecurity consulting company can help you to provide the best-secured way to avoid decompilation for your application.

Is C# easy to decompile?

C# is easy to decompile because it contains metadata that can aid in decompilation. C# also compiles down to an intermediate language which maps much better to the exact source code. so it is easy to decompile. C# compiles to CIL. Typically, a lot more information about the exact source code, such as object-oriented concepts including class structure, can be gleaned from reading the CIL than from reading.

How to prevent decompilation against C# applications?

One way to make the C# application a little more difficult to crack would be to deliver it as a program that decrypts its instructions, compiles and runs them only when needed. This way, if someone finds out where the exact code is stored, it will still be encrypted and without a license it is unusable.

What is a Portable Executable file?

When source code is compiled, it generates a Portable Executable file. Portable Executable is either a DLL or an EXE. Portable executable file contains Microsoft Intermediate Language and Metadata. Microsoft intermediate language is ultimately converted by CLR into the native code which a processor can understand. Metadata contains assembly information like Assembly Name, what the Version is, Culture and the Public Key. Consult a cyber security solution that makes your application safe and portable.

How Can We Get Source Code from EXE?

Yes, you heard right we can get the source code from DLL or EXE. To show this, let's create a simple app first.

Steps to develop an application is:

  • Open Visual Studio
  • create a new project
  • select console-based application
  • Add some code to the newly created project

For example, start with the sample code below:

using System;
namespace MyConsoleApp {
internal class Program{

private static void Main(string[] args){

 public static string PublicMethod(){

// Your source code here
return "Public Method";}
private static string PrivateMethod(){

// Your source code here return "Private Method";}}}

OK! After that now builds the application, an EXE will be generated in the folder bin/debug. Now let's try to get the code from the EXE file:

  • open Visual Studio command prompt.
  • Type ildasm and hit enter( ILDASM basically has an ability to read intermediate language).
  • open the EXE file that was created.

As we can see, ILDASM disassembles the EXE and lots of useful information can be stored, though it does not provide the original code completely, a lot can be changed. The easy way to reverse engineer and get the exact code is that there are decompilers available and used for free, which can convert the Intermediate Language into the original source code.

When we open the EXE with a decompiler we are able to see the original code. This can lead to piracy and you can lose your profits.

How to Prevent EXE from Getting Decompiled?

The process of protecting the EXE and DLL from getting decompiled into the exact code is called Obfuscation. There is a lot of software available to Obfuscate the .NET assemblies. The below settings are related to confuserex.

  • Download obfuscate software that is available online.
  • Extract the zip and then run
  • Select the EXE you want to protect.
  • Once you are done makeup the directories and adding EXE, go to the Settings tab.
  • Click on the button “+”, you will see “true” under Rules
  • Click on the edit rule
  • A new window will appear
  • Click on the “+” button
  • You can choose different ways to add levels of protection
  • Select only with “Anti IL Dasm” and “Anti Tamper”(this is enough to make things hard to reverse engineer for decompilers).
  • Click on Done
  • Go to Protect tab
  • Click on Protect button
  • You can find the protected EXE in the output directory selected

ALL SET! Now you see your EXE cannot be decompiled anymore.

If you have any queries about this topic or have to get cybersecurity services and consultations against these serious cyber attacks. Feel free to contact us. AIRZERO SEC will always be your strong firewall. E-mail id: [email protected]

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Author - Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc
LinkedIn Profile:

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What Is Reverse Engineering In Android?

People often respect the open nature of Android as it is something that empowers innovators to build backbone products. But only a few know the opposite side of this openness Vulnerability. Having said that, Android offers app developers a big milestone that most mobile operating systems don’t. Being an open-source framework, it is fairly easy for an app developer to study its source code and modify it the way they want. The technique through which most app developers re-obtain source code either with the aim of recreating the program, to build something similar to it, or to identify an app’s weakness and its security is known as Reverse Engineering in Android.

How Reverse Engineering Can Be Used To Decompile App Code?

Android apps are always weak so it is easy to attack as the code is not rendered into machine code, passing it prone to extraction and reverse engineering. The vulnerable program can then be used for a variety of reasons, which could be a dangerous issue for any serious mobile app business such as:

  • Re-using the code for one’s own benefit
  • Find vulnerabilities in the code
  • Search for personal and sensitive data hardcoded in the code
  • Malware fishing
  • Modifying the functionality of an existing application

What Are Some Threats To A Decompiled Android Code?

  • Android Malware and Security Issues
    Android apps have serious issues from various types of malware such as spyware, trojan, adware etc. Although some malware is not supposed to cause any threat, there is some malware that can lead to unexpected and unwanted problems like localized denial of service, abnormal battery conditions etc. Moreover, malware like Spywares can access a smartphone’s camera and microphone module to send data back to hackers. Adware is another type of malware that utilizes the existing various communication platforms like Email, MMS, Bluetooth or SMS etc. To transmit dangerous advertisements to certain numbers of people.
  • Security problems due to code de-compiling in Android
    The code that is extracted can result in decreased security, freely available in-app purchases and can lead to misplaced user data that could result in bad pricing elasticity. These are some of the reasons why someone would de-compile your program, and you can now know a little bit of the damage they can put you through. In mobile application development, security is even more than a regular need as most of the apps have heavy data such as Financial apps or Healthcare apps.

We often come across problems like this one.

A good company will never go behind their customer’s back and develop a similar app for a rival, and most developers won’t leave their name within the app’s program. Air Zero Sec, one of the best cybersecurity company in Kerala, will help you with these types of common threats that happen in android applications. However, a few developers leave their names inside the comments, which can then be used to extract the agency or freelancer that developed it. But that isn’t what I want you to take from this problem. By now, you are able to understand and know that people are actively trying to decompile your apps, and you need to do something about it. Find a trusted cybersecurity service provider and they will resolve the issues that your company is facing.

How To Avoid Android App Decompilation On To Prevent Reverse Engineering?

  • Put Important Code on Server When you put your important program on the server, it reduces the chances of stealing your source code, as the main program will remain on the server and only results can be seen. A server farm is a huge expense, and it’s not a great solution for everyone. Moreover, if there is an issue of poor network connectivity, your Android app users will be irritated and your customers are more likely to lose business. There is a better solution too. Suppose there is a block of a program that you do not want to let out. Keep that block of the program in hardware that you control. This will make the extractor job painful to get your apk source code. And, to add more security and safety, you could add double obfuscation to combat any middle attacks.

  • Use Proguard Proguard is an obfuscation tool that is useful for safeguarding applications using a license database. The tool helps to increase the difficulty of reversing your Android app code. A commercial version of Proguard is also available named Dexguard. Dexguard goes the extra mile in the matter of security and safe increasing difficulty. Though, your program could always be converted into small, which is useful for developers to figure out what you do with it. But, again, if you don’t want people to see your program, don’t put it on their devices.


There are, of course, other ways to make Android reverse engineering harder, but the above two are the most effective among all. If you have any queries about this topic or have to get services and consultations against these serious cyber threats. Feel free to contact us. AIRZERO SEC will be your strong firewall.
E-mail id: [email protected]

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Author - Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc
LinkedIn Profile:

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What Is SQL Injection?

SQL Injection is a type of cyber attack that makes it possible to execute criminal SQL statements. These statements control the database server behind any web application. Hackers can use SQL Injection vulnerabilities to destroy application security measures. They can go around authentication of a web page and retrieve the content of the whole SQL database. They can also use SQL Injection to add, delete and modify records in the database. The best cyber security company that you approach will always provide the best to protect your database from SQL injection and attacks.

An SQL Injection vulnerability may affect any website that uses an SQL database such as MySQL, Oracle, or others. Criminals may use it to gain unauthorized access to your personal and highly important data like:

  • Customer information
  • Personal data
  • Trade secrets
  • Intellectual property and more

SQL Injection attacks are one of the oldest and very dangerous web application vulnerabilities. Cyber security service providers will help you with this serious problem.

Why Laravel Framework?

Laravel is a web app development framework with expressive and royal syntax that makes the entire web development process faster, simple, and more enjoyable for developers by eliminating all the pain points associated with handling the most complex PHP code.

It simplifies some of the mostly executed tasks like routing, authentication, sessions, caching, and others so that developers can focus on building most business-related features of the web application. Laravel protects the web apps from SQL injection as long as you're using the fluent query builder.

Laravel does this by making secured and prepared statements that are going to escape any user input that may come in through the apps. If attackers add a new input to a form, they may try to insert a query and then run their own SQL query to damage your application database. However, this won't work while you are using Eloquent. Eloquent is going to protect from this SQL query and the invalid query will just be saved as text into your database.

What Are The Types Of SQL Injection Attack Vectors That Laravel Can’t Protect?

Developers usually make mistakes by thinking Laravel protects from all SQL injections and attacks, while there are some attack points that Laravel cannot protect, here are the most common causes of SQL injections that we saw in the latest Laravel applications during our security Checks.

SQL Injection via column name

The first common mistake that we see is that a lot of people think that Laravel would escape any dimension that is passed to Query Builder or Eloquent. But in reality, it’s not that safe to pass user-controlled column names to the query builder.

It’s important to mention that the demonstrated attack point is fixed on the Laravel versions, but still, Laravel warns developers even in the new documentation to not pass user-controlled column names to Query Builder without whitelisting.

Commonly, even if there is no chance to turn a custom column into an injected SQL string, we still do not recommend allowing to sort the data by any user-provided column name, since it can introduce a dangerous security issue.

SQL Injection via validation rules

Let’s take a look at the following simplified validation code:

$id = $request->route('id');
$rules = [ 'username' => 'required|unique:users,name,' . $id,];

$validator = Validator::make($request->post(), $rules);

Whether Laravel uses $id here to command that database and $id is not escaped, it will allow a hacker to perform an SQL injection.

How to prevent SQL injection in Laravel?

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM uses PDO binding that protects web apps from SQL injections. This relevant feature ensures that no client could modify the intent of the SQL queries.

Consider the example of the form used to collect users’ email addresses from a database. the form will search for an email address, for instance, “[email protected]”. Now imagine that the SQL query is modified to:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]' or 1=1

In the above example, 1=1 is a simple expression that always evaluates to be true. If it is attached to the above query with the OR condition, the query will fetch all records from the table because the SELECT condition will evolve to be always true.

Now consider another direction of the attack in which the query is modified directly to the command “drop table users” and instead of the email address, “[email protected]” is written. The query will look like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]'; drop table users;

When this query is executed, the table “users” will be deleted from the database.

When the PDO parameter binding is in place, the input is in quotes and the query will look like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected] or 1=1'

Since no records will match with either the email or the “1=1”, the query will not be returning anything.

This framework provides other ways of talking to databases, such as raw SQL queries. Yet, Eloquent remains one of the most popular options.

Laravel framework uses PDO binding to prevent SQL injection attacks because no variable gets to the database without validation.

If this is the case, one should always use prepared SQL queries to prevent misplacement. Consider the following statement that looks ripe for SQL injection:

Route::get('this-is-prone-to-sql-injection', function() {
$name = "'ancy' OR 1=1";
return DB::select(
DB::raw("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $name"));});

Here the statement 1=1 used in the OR condition will result in returning all the rows in the user’s table. This can be prevented by using the following code instead:

Route::get('safe-from-sql-injection', function() {
$name = "'ancy' OR 1=1";
return DB::select(
DB::raw("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", [$name]));});

Laravel replaces the question marks with the query, automatically escaping the input variables. This protects the query from SQL injection attacks.

If you have any queries about this topic or have to get services and consultations against this serious cyber threat. Feel free to contact us. AIRZERO SEC will be your strong firewall.
E-mail id: [email protected]

enter image description here Author - Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc
LinkedIn Profile:
Email id: [email protected]

enter image description here

What Is SQL Injection?

SQL injection is specially referred to as SQLi, maybe it’s a common attack method that uses inappropriate SQL code for back-end database manipulation to access details that weren't intended to be displayed and are highly mentioned to be a secret. These details include many private and sensitive data. This sort of cybersecurity attack targets the confidential databases within the system to trick into doing unexpected and unwanted things. The best cybersecurity consulting company provides the best to protect the attackers to access the below data. It is very important to consult such companies.

Actions that successful attacks may take targets include:

  • Bypass authentication
  • Stealing data
  • Modifying or corrupting data
  • Deleting data
  • Running arbitrary code
  • Gaining root access to the system itself

What Is Codeigniter?

CodeIgniter is an MVC framework written in, and for, PHP. It is lightweight compared to other MVC frameworks that are used out there, at the cost of having less functionality, e.g. there will be no built-in authentication system that might be a part of other frameworks.

CodeIgniter is the best choice of frameworks for those who are starting out with MVC as it doesn't force you to use any particular standards for naming and structure of code, but it is also suitable for larger projects where a large range of features is contained in other frameworks that might not be needed in those projects.

How to avoid SQL injection in Codeigniter?

In Codeigniter, we no need to use the mysql_real_escape_string() function, Codeigniter provides inbuilt functions and libraries to generate SQL queries by using various methods or functions we can definitely avoid SQL injections. Here are the ways to prevent CodeIgniter from SQL injection. There are three methods to prevent SQL injections in the Codeigniter application, they are:

  1. Escaping Queries
  2. Query Binding
  3. Active Record Class

Preventing SQL injection in Codeigniter by using Escaping Query Method


<?php $email= $this->input->post('email'); $query = 'SELECT * FROM subscribers_tbl WHERE user_name='.$this->db->escape($email); 
$this->db->query($query); ?>

$email= $this->input->post('email');
$query = 'SELECT * FROM subscribers_tbl WHERE user_name='.$this->db->escape($email);

Here $this->db->escape() determines the data type so that it can escape only string data.

It also automatically adds single quotes around the data so you don’t have to think to do that as well.

Preventing SQL injection in Codeigniter by using Query Binding Method

<?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM subscribers_tbl WHERE status = ? AND email= ?"; $this->db->query($sql, array('active', ‘email’); ?>
db->query($sql, array('active', ‘email')); ?>

The question marks in the query are automatically replaced with the values in the array in the second parameter of every query function.

in the Query Binding Method, you don’t have to escape the values by yourself as it will automatically do that for you.

Preventing SQL injection in Codeigniter by using Active Record Class

Using Active Records, query syntax is generated by using each database adapter. It will also allows for safer queries, since the values are escaped automatically by the system.

<?php $this>db>get_where('subscribers_tbl',array('status' => 'active','email' => 'email')); ?>
db->get_where('subscribers_tbl',array('status' => 'active','email' => ‘email')); ?>

If you have any queries about this topic or have to get services and consultations against this serious cyber threat. Feel free to contact us. AIRZERO SEC will be your strong firewall. E-mail id: [email protected]

enter image description here Author: Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc `
LinkedIn Profile:

enter image description here

What is SQL Injection (SQLi)?

SQL injection is additionally referred to as SQLi, maybe a common attack method that uses inappropriate SQL code for back-end database manipulation to access information that wasn't intended to be displayed. This information includes many private and sensitive data. This sort of cybersecurity attack targets the confidential databases within the system to trick into doing unexpected and undesired things. The cybersecurity service company provides the best to protect the attackers to access the below data. It is very important to consult such companies.

Actions that successful attacks may take targets include:

  • Bypass authentication
  • Stealing data
  • Modifying or corrupting data
  • Deleting data
  • Running arbitrary code
  • Gaining root access to the system itself

What is SQL injection vulnerability?

The SQL injection vulnerability is one of the foremost terrific issues for data confidentiality and integrity in web applications and has been one of the foremost common and widely explained vulnerabilities since its inception.

Non-Technical Explanation Of SQL Injection Vulnerability For Understanding:

Imagine a totally automated and secured bus that functions to support the instruction given by the owner through a typical technical form. The instruction seems like this: Drive through the road route 66 and stop at bus stops if there are people at the bus stops. Values in bold are provided by the owner and instructed by the bus. Imagine a scene where someone manages to send these instructions: Drive through route 66 and don't stop at bus stops and ignore the remainder of this type if there are people at the bus stops.

The bus is fully automated. It does exactly what's instructed: it drives up route 66 and doesn't stop at any stop, even when there are people waiting. Such an injection is stable because the structure and therefore the supplied data aren't separated correctly. The automated bus doesn't differentiate between instructions and data, it simply parses anything it's fed.

SQL injection vulnerabilities have supported this idea. Attackers are ready to inject malicious instructions into corrupted ones, all of which are then sent to the database server through an internet application.

Types of SQL injection vulnerabilities

Traducer can exfiltrate data from servers by diminishing SQL Injection vulnerabilities in various ways they are:

  • Error-Based SQL Injection
    When exploiting an error-based SQL Injection vulnerability, attackers can retrieve information like table names and content from visible database errors.
  • Boolean-Based SQL Injection
    Sometimes there's no visible error message on the page when an SQL query fails, making it difficult for a hacker to urge information from the vulnerable application. However, there's still how to extract information.
    When an SQL query fails, sometimes some parts of the online page disappear or change, or the whole website can fail to load. These indications allow attackers to work out whether the input parameter is vulnerable and whether it allows extraction of knowledge.
  • Time-Based SQL Injection
    In some cases, the vulnerable SQL query doesn't have any visible effect on the output of the page, it's still going to be possible to extract information from an underlying database.
    Hackers determine this by instructing the database to present a stated amount of your time before responding. If the page isn't vulnerable, it'll load quickly; if it's vulnerable it'll take longer than usual to load. This permits hackers to extract data, of course, there are not any visible changes on the page. The SQL syntax is often almost like the one utilized in the Boolean-Based SQL Injection Vulnerability.
  • Out-of-Band SQL Injection Vulnerability
    Sometimes the sole way an attacker can retrieve information from a database is to use out-of-band techniques. Usually, these sorts of attacks involve sending the info directly from the database server to a machine that's controlled by the attacker. Attackers may use this method if an injection doesn't occur directly after supplied data is inserted, but at a later point in time.

What Can Attackers do after SQL Injection Attack?

To perform an SQL injection attack, an attacker must locate a vulnerable input during a web application or webpage. When an application or webpage contains a SQL injection vulnerability, it uses user input within the sort of an SQL query directly. The hacker can execute a specifically crafted SQL command as a malicious cyber intrusion. Then, leveraging malicious code, a hacker can acquire a response that gives a transparent idea about the database construction and thereby access to all or any of the knowledge within the database.

SQL is the way of communication to the database. SQL statements are wont to retrieve and update data within the database. Attackers use malicious SQL statements within the input box, and in response, the database presents sensitive information. This exploit of security aims at gaining access to the unauthorized data of an internet site or application. Several websites and web applications store data in SQL databases. For any of those applications, it becomes essential to perform vulnerability testing to make sure there are not any loopholes for executing SQL injection.

What is the impact of a successful SQL injection attack?

With no mitigating controls, SQL injection can leave the appliance at a high risk of compromise leading to an impression of the confidentiality, and integrity of knowledge also as authentication and authorization aspects of the appliance. An adversary can steal sensitive information stored in databases employed by vulnerable programs or applications like user credentials, trade secrets, or transaction records. SQL injection vulnerabilities should never be left open; they need to be fixed altogether under circumstances. If the authentication or authorization aspects of an application have affected an attacker could also be able to log in as the other user, like an administrator which elevates their privileges.

How to prevent SQL Injection Attacks?

Preventing SQL injection attacks is a lot about ensuring that none of the fields are vulnerable to invalid inputs and application execution. it is actually impossible to check every page and every application on the website, especially when updates are frequent and user-friendliness is the top priority.

Nonetheless, security analysts and seasoned developers recommend a variety of next points to guarantee your database area unit is well protected inside the confinement of the server.

  1. Continuous Scanning and Penetration Testing
    The automated web application scanner has been the simplest option to mean vulnerabilities within the online applications for quite a while now. Now, with SQL injections getting smarter in exploiting logical flaws, website security professionals should explore manual testing with the assistance of a security vendor.
    They can authenticate user inputs against a group of rules for syntax, type, and length. It helps to audit application vulnerabilities discreetly so that you can patch the code before hackers exploit it to their advantage.
  2. Restrict Privileges
    It is more of a database management function, but enforcing specific privileges to specific accounts helps prevent blind SQL injection attacks. Begin with no privileges account and advance to ‘read-only’, ‘edit’, ‘delete’, and similar privilege levels.
    Minimizing privileges to the appliance will make sure that the attacker, who gets into the database through the appliance, cannot make unauthorized use of specific data.
  3. Use Query Parameters
    Dynamic queries create a lot of trouble for security professionals. They have to affect variable vulnerabilities in each application, which only gets worse with updates and changes. It is recommended that you prepare parameterized queries.
    These queries are simple, easy to write down, and only pass when each parameter in SQL code is clearly defined. This way, your info is furnished with weapons to differentiate between code and knowledge inputs.
  4. Instant Protection
    A majority of organizations fail with problems like outdated code, scarcity of resources to test and make changes, no knowledge of application security, and frequent updates in the application. For these, web application protection is the best solution.
    A managed web application firewall can be deployed for immediate mitigation of such attacks. It contains custom policies to dam any suspicious input and denies information breach instantly. This way, you do not have to manually look for loopholes and mend problems afterward.

If you have any queries about this topic or have to get services and consultations against these serious cyber threats. Feel free to contact us. Always AIRZERO SEC will be your strong firewall. E-mail id: [email protected]

enter image description here Author :
Johnson Augustine
Ethical Hacker and Data Security Researcher
Founder: Airo Global Software Inc
LinkdIn Profile: